Cook pasta. Chop onions and garlic and fry. Add sliced mushrooms, and cook them for 5 minutes. Cut ham into oblong pieces and mix it...
Put milk to boil. Add a little oil. Put the pasta and cook it on a weaker fire. When the pasta is already cooked and...
Cook pasta. Chop onion and fry it on margarine. While mixing add the lobster soup, liquid from canned shrimp and cream. Boil, and if necessary...
Cook pasta. In the olive oil stew oyster mushrooms, add chopped garlic, anchovies, chopped fresh parsley, marjoram, red pepper and tomato juice. Towards the end...
Cook pasta. Soak lentils and leave them to swell. In the heated olive oil fry finely chopped onion, pepper and sausages. Add lentils, wine...